What qualifies as a small dog for Yuppie Pup?
At Yuppie Pup, we provide care to dogs that are under 35 lbs and no taller than 18 inches at the withers (shoulders). If in doubt, please ask! (Special arrangements may apply for pups that meet the height requirement but are over the weight requirement.)
How do I choose a boarding facility?
This can be a hard decision; trust me, we’ve been there! Visiting a pet boarding facility can be an important part of the selection process, and we encourage this. We love to show off our place! Feel free to stop by our facility in Wasilla, AK during our open hours and see what we have to offer. Just know that the safety and care of our guests will always be our priority. Please be patient with us if we are in the middle of feeding, pottying, or play times.

Mon – Sun: 8 AM – 10 AM & 3 PM – 5 PM
Do I have to select a time for drop-off/pick-up?
Choosing a time is encouraged and will be one of the questions when booking your reservation. The reason is the same as above: our priority is the care of our guests. We want to respect your valuable time as well, though, especially if you are trying to catch a flight! Knowing drop-off and pick-up times allows us to manage the schedule better to leave room to focus on you and your pup(s) while still providing excellent care for the rest of our guests.
Can I get updates on how my pup(s) are doing?
Absolutely! We can send you pictures and updates if you’d like. Your pup(s) are in good hands, so if you’d rather not be bothered while on your vacation or during an important business trip, we also understand. This will be tailored to your needs.
What happens if my pup gets ill?
When checking in, we will go over your pup’s health history and any current medications. You will also sign a medical release form that allows us to seek medical care if necessary. However, we will always try to contact you on your emergency number before seeking treatment. In case of an emergency, during business hours, we will take your pup to All Creatures Vet Clinic, which is conveniently three houses down from us. During an after-hours emergency, we will take your pup to Tier 1 Vet Clinic to at least stabilize and then access care from there. We take your pet’s health very seriously and will keep you informed of any changes during your pup’s stay. Any veterinary care provided is at the pet owners’ expense.
Is the facility secure?
YES!!! We have a security system and cameras that offer surveillance. The best part is, Yuppie Pup is attached to my home, which means there is always someone on-site throughout the night as well. This is why we can provide early morning and late-night potty breaks that little pups so desperately need.
Can my pup(s) participate in group play?
We encourage group play as it makes for an exciting vacation for your pup(s). We will need to know the history your pup has socializing with other dogs. We will also do a temperament test on your pup on the day of arrival and will match your pup to playgroups with similar play styles and sizes. Playgroups are dependent on current boarding guests, so group play is not always guaranteed during every pup's stay.
What if I don’t want my pup to interact with other dogs?
Group play is not a requirement to stay at Yuppie Pup. If you know your pup does not play well with other dogs, this is not a problem. Your pup will get plenty of one-on-one attention and playtime without being involved in group play.
We cannot accommodate dogs that are aggressive toward people or excessively aggressive toward other dogs and have the right to refuse service for any reason.
Are vaccines optional?
For the safety of all our guests, pups must be current on required vaccinations. No pup will be checked-in without documented proof of vaccines.
We recognize veterinarian best practices when it comes to vaccines. Your pet may have a one-year or three-year expiration date on rabies or distemper/parvo. Bordetella is required yearly. If this is the first time your pup has had a Bordetella vaccine, then it is advised to be administered 10 days prior to your pup’s stay to be fully effective.
Helpful Tips
You can never give us too much information about your pup(s). The more we know, the better we can serve. Details matter, so take the time to fill everything out!
Allow time for drop-off and pick-up. The calmer you are, the calmer your pup(s) will be, and rushing can stress them out. We also want to ensure that all important information has been transferred thoroughly before you leave.
At drop-off, keep your tone and energy casual when saying goodbye to your pup(s). If you are confident and happy, then they will be too, and that is our ultimate goal!
After picking up your pup(s), please wait a couple of hours before feeding or treating them. They will be very excited to see you, and feeding them before they've had a chance to calm down can cause an upset tummy.